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Seminole Lakes Tennis Club By-Laws



The Seminole Lakes Tennis Club is owned by the Seminole Lakes Country Club and the Seminole Lakes Tennis Committee is responsible for managing the Club on a strictly volunteer basis. The committee maintains a bank checking account to handle small incidental expenses and help subsidize social events.


To promote and facilitate the playing of tennis among the members of the Seminole Lakes Tennis Community and encourage both competitive and recreational play in a friendly and congenial atmosphere.


The Seminole Lakes Tennis Committee consists of officers, directors, and other interested tennis member representatives. The officer positions are: President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary. The director positions are: Membership Chairperson, Web Master, Social Events Director, and Court Maintenance Supervisor. Each officer, director, and representative must be at least a six (6) month club member. The officer and director positions must be filled at all times. A member may only hold one officer position, although an officer may also fill a director position if approved by the committee. The maximum number of members on the Tennis Committee is 12. Any non-full year member serving on the Board would continue their position while their membership is inactive.

1. The President - is responsible for calling and presiding over all meetings of the tennis club. The President is responsible for submitting a complete agenda to all committee members one week prior to the committee meeting and posting a finalized copy on the website at least 3 days before the meeting date. The President is to act as spokesperson for the tennis club to all outside organizations and persons.

2. The Vice-President - accepts all responsibilities of the President in the absence of the President and assists the President in any duties requested by the President. This position can be temporarily assigned in the event, that the elected President and Vice-President are not available for a known period of time. 

3. The Treasurer - is responsible for the collection and banking of club monies, as well as disbursement of funds as voted upon by the committee. The treasurer will present a fiscal year financial statement at the Annual General Membership Meeting. Current Treasurer: Steve Higgins

4. The Secretary - is responsible for recording the minutes during meetings and correspondence of the club. The Secretary is also responsible for submitting a draft of the minutes to all committee members within one week following a meeting and posting a finalized copy on the website once corrections have been made. The Secretary has the authority to act as the spokesperson of the tennis club by club e-mail or printed letter. The secretary shall manage the Club’s email system. The secretary shall solicit and retain all signed Authorization to Release Information and Membership forms from the Membership Chairperson. 

5. The Membership Chairperson - is responsible for the collection of membership dues and forwarding the payments to the owner of the courts (currently Jack Stevenson). The Membership Chairperson is also responsible for notifying the committee of the different types of memberships offered by the owner and providing the committee with a current membership list and expiry dates. In addition, the membership chairperson is required to turn in the signed Authorization to Release Information and Membership forms to the secretary to enter in the Club’s data base. The Membership Chairperson has the authority to set up membership drives and welcoming events in coordination with the Social Events Director. Current Membership Chairperson: Sharon McQueen

6. The Web Master - is responsible for managing the Club websites, training and providing technical support. The Web Master has the authority to set up Administration Teams to handle the specifics of court reservations and event scheduling for Brunch Bunch, SLIC, and Men's/Women's Opens. The Web Master is also responsible for coordinating (as point of contact) league play and integrating these times into the court reservation system. Current Web Master: Frank Linek

7. The Social Events Director - is responsible for the organization of various social events for tennis club members. Current Social Events Director: Joyce Kraut

8. The Court Maintenance Supervisor - is responsible for supervising the maintenance of the courts within the fenced areas of the five courts in Seminole Lakes Country Club as well as the pro hut/restroom and spectator area around the soft courts. The Court Maintenance Supervisor’s scope of responsibility includes surface conditions, attachments, and aesthetics. The Court Maintenance Supervisor has the authority to set up Work Teams to handle maintenance issues not handled by the owner. The Court Maintenance Supervisor is responsible for reporting major issues to the court owner, their representative, and all paid maintenance personnel as appropriate, discussing issues relating to court maintenance at the committee meetings. Additional responsibilities of the courts are held by the Owner (of SLCC). A detailed listing of maintenance required will be kept in the pro hut for easy access.



1) The elected term for most members to the tennis committee is three years. Founding members have a lifetime term as-long-as they are interested in serving. Every year, the election of four (4) members to the Tennis Committee will take place.

2) Any member in good standing in the Seminole Lakes Tennis Club who is at least a six-month member is eligible for election to the tennis committee.

3) Any eligible tennis club member may submit their candidacy for the tennis committee by notifying the President in a written statement via e-mail or printed letter or by Notice of Intent at least two weeks prior to the Annual General Membership Meeting. If the total number of committee members would exceed the number of open positions, then a formal vote will be taken either by secret ballot, email proxy, or personal appearance at the Annual General Membership Meeting. The current Secretary will send out a notification for the election and accept email proxies for voting if necessary. The secretary will also chair a committee to tally the votes.

4) Officer positions will be filled from the tennis committee members for an annual term. To serve as an officer on the tennis committee an individual must have served as a committee member for at least a year. Officers may be re-elected by a majority vote of the tennis committee members.

5) Director positions will be filled from the tennis committee members for a one-year term. Directors may be re-elected by a majority vote of the tennis committee members.


1. Meetings for committee members are regularly scheduled for 3 pm the first Tuesday of each month. The Annual General Membership Meeting is a special Open meeting for all members where voting for new committee members is to take place (if necessary). All officers and directors are expected to submit agenda items to the President at least one week prior to each meeting. Typically, meetings in November thru May are held at the Seminole Lakes Country Club. The secretary is responsible for sending out a reminder to the committee members of the date, time, and place of the meeting.

2. A quorum, consisting of a majority of committee members, is necessary to hold a valid meeting. Any tennis member can place an item on the agenda to be heard at a committee meeting. That member must notify the President of the tennis committee at least ten days prior to that meeting. That member must be in attendance at that meeting to present the item to be heard. Any matter requiring a decision at a committee meeting will require the majority vote of members in attendance. On any matter requiring a vote the President will abstain from voting except in the case of a tie.



In the event of an extraordinary event, such as a pandemic, natural disaster, and any other event beyond the committee’s control the Annual General Membership Meeting will be postponed to a future date agreed upon by the committee. The circumstances will authorize the Board to employ temporary (not-to-exceed one-year) exceptions to any-and-all directives stated in the Bylaws. Beyond the one-year time limit, the Bylaws will be formally updated by a committee appointed by the Board.

.Bylaws Amended: 2016; 2018; 2021



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