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Tennis Committee Upcoming Meeting Agenda and Previous Minutes



3:00 P.M. - SLCC

Welcome & Announcements

Meeting Minutes Approval - April 2, 2024

Treasurer's Report

Membership Report

Maintenance Report

Social Committee Report

Website Report

Additions to Agenda

Next Meeting - TBD


3:00 P.M. – SLCC


PRESENT: President Frank Linek, V-President John Sileno, Treasurer Steve Higgins, Secretary Linda Baumann, Chairs/Reps: Membership Sharon McQueen, Social Joyce Kraut, Web Wayne Provenza, USTA Cheryl Domingo, & Pickleball Chris Nelson, Men’s Tennis Larry Durey (via phone). Medical abstentions: Stephan Pare and Sandy Remillard.


  1. Welcome & Announcements – Frank asked John Sileno to chair the October Meeting as he would not be available until November. Linda was not sure of her return date either. Cheryl was asked to query Stephan on his SL membership renewal for the fall. His written resignation would be required by the 6-month membership bylaw.

  2. Meeting Minutes Approval – Motion by Joyce Kraut to approve the corrected Minutes of April 2, 2024.Seconded by Steve Higgins. Motion carried unanimously. 

  3. Treasurer's Report – The board received the Treasurer’s Report. Cash on hand is $613.83, no expenses, included guest fees of $30 (not counting what he received from Frank prior to this meeting), and $107 from the April 20th Social of which Chuck Gertner graciously donated his win back to the Club. 

  4. Membership Report – Tennis: Sharon will be sending out the list of memberships that are expiring. Nothing to report for summer memberships, only have the ones from the USTA. Pickleball: Chris reported they had 2 renewed memberships. Expects play to continue through May 1st. Current nets are still good; court conditions have not changed. Screens have been a significant help with the winds. Frank reiterated that we have to continue to work with Jack/Mark on getting some court repairs done.  Decisions on this could be impacted as the course has been up for sale. (Since, a POA notice went out saying that Jack is not selling the course). 

  5. Maintenance Report – John has spoken with Mark regarding Armor’s Contract and restroom door replacement. Mark is looking for the contract and it does not look like we will see a replacement door soon. Lines: companies will not replace court lines unless they can do entire court (costs at $12,000), Armor has been fixing the lines when he puts down clay. Irrigation: leak has been fixed. Rolling: Armor does once before season starts, then just tamps areas down. Bulletin board: Wayne was asked to look into having it fixed or replaced. Wood around is rotted. The board will decide via email based on his findings. 

  6. Social Committee Report – Joyce reported April 20th to be a success with good food, the 50/50 and guessing “how many” participation. Plans for next Oct/Nov Social in the works. Sharon suggested socials at least once a month. There is information on website but members may not know how or where to access it. 

  7. Website Report – Frank stated that the Court Reservation and Tennis Calendar pages are now combined. Prior to season he will put together an update and “how-to access” to the membership. Think about adding it to the attachments being sent out with the membership renewals (application, committees, and website). 

  8. Tennis Scheduling – the new Friday Intramural formatting is being tied in with The Women’s Open which seems to be working well. Hopefully expand it to a mixer. Joyce would like to add a scheduling table format on the Women’s Open web page. Frank to assist.  Brunch Bunch still to be discussed as we have not canceled it. Not as much league play taking up play time as before. We have 2 Men’s teams, 2 – 50+ teams and 1 Charlotte County team only. Saturday’s R/R: John asked for Saturday dates that the round robin could move from 11 to 9 am. Larry stated he would handle the website scheduling once he had those dates. USTA is going to Orlando in June for the Sectionals (playing against other Florida teams). Summer League: Frank has talked with Bob the pro at Twin Isles and Mike Dorsey. 8 clubs are involved on Thursday’s. Cheryl stated she will add those to the calendar page once she has the dates. Interclub Matches: Frank proposed having interclub matches with Twin Isles and he and Bob have agreed to have one match per month starting in the fall. Would need an hour using 3 courts. Time slots and whether to make them men or women only, or mixed is still to be determined. If successful we can expand to other clubs. Frank feels this may be a step to keeping tennis “alive”. Any fees to be charged will cover the costs of running this and social expenses. He and Bob still have to decide on the guidelines and will be working on this over the summer. 

  9. Addition to Agenda – Committees List:  Linda passed around a Committees Listing with designating chairs, and their purpose. She asked the Board to give it some thought and their input as she would like to include it in an email to the membership asking for their help on each of the committees. The reason is that we will need member skills to help run their Club and take over some major duties that are basic to keeping the club running. 

  10. Next Meeting – Sharon suggested having it on the Country Club patio in October if the Club is still closed. The first Tuesday in October is October 1. Meeting adjourned at 4 pm.


Submitted by Secretary Linda Baumann


3:00 P.M. – SLCC

Present: Joyce Kraut, John Sileno, Steve Higgins, Linda Baumann, Sharon McQueen, Cheryl Domingo, and Sandy Remillard (new Board Member). Absent with regrets: Stephan Pare, Larry Durey, Chris Nelson.

1. Welcome & Announcements          - Joyce presided over the nomination for President. Linda Baumann nominated Frank Linek as Cheryl Domingo declined any nominations for her. Motion by Cheryl Domingo to accept Frank’s nomination as President. Seconded by John Sileno. Frank accepted the nomination. All in agreement. Frank began by appointing Wayne Provenza who is familiar with building websites to the 12th position as director. Members in agreement to welcome Wayne on the Board.

2. NOMINATIONS FOR OFFICERS –Vice-President: Motion by Cheryl for John Sileno to remain as V-P. John accepted. Seconded by Steve Higgins. All in agreement. Treasurer: Frank explained that logistically speaking that as long as Steve had the Club’s bank account in his name he should remain as Treasurer. Board in agreement. As an Honorary member Steve can remain for as long as he is able. Secretary: Motion by Cheryl Domingo that Linda Baumann to remain as Secretary. She accepted. Seconded by John Sileno. All in favor.

3. NOMINATIONS FOR COMMITTEE CHAIRS – Sharon McQueen agreed to remain as Membership Chair. All concurred. No opposition. John Sileno nominated for Maintenance Supervisor with Bob Copenhaver. Steve Higgins seconded. All in concurrence. Joyce nominated herself for Social Chair. Sandy Remillard seconded. All in concurrence. Webmaster: Linda Baumann nominated Frank Linek as webmaster. John Sileno seconded. Wayne Provenza would assist Frank with the website acting as his deputy. The board concurred.

Representatives:  USTA - Cheryl Domingo to continue as the USTA representative and to update the calendar page on the website. She also announced that their Mixed Team made it to the Sectionals held at the end of June, in Orlando. Pickleball: Chris Nelson to remain as the representative offering his insight.

3. Meeting Minutes Approval/AGM Minutes - March 5, 2024 – Motion to approve the March 5th (1:30 Meeting) Meeting Minutes by Cheryl Domingo. Seconded by Joyce Kraut. All in favor. Motion by Sharon McQueen to bring the Minutes of the AGM of March 5, 2024, before the membership for approval at the 2025 AGM. Seconded by John Sileno. All in favor.

4. Treasurer's Report by Steve Higgins: The Board received the Treasurer’s report. Cash on hand of $476.83. Consisting of court expenses of $127.55 and $95.98 AGM expenses with an income of $65.00 from the 50/50 raffle. Guest fees to be turned in from Walt Van Beers.

5. Membership Report – Sharon: there were several changes to full membership, and one re-newing her membership. A Seminole Lakes resident has also enquired about membership. Joyce had spoken to a gal that was looking for a team. She has since sent out an email listing those members that will be expiring at the end of April.

LEAGUES/TEAMS: 50+ Standing committee meets April 4th at 2 p.m.; Peace River B-4 is still active; but dropping 75+ due to not enough players. Peace River Men’s dinner/meeting is tomorrow. Emails should be coming from the leagues next week regarding next season. (Since then, an email came out regarding 50+ Division Placement - SL Lady Lakers dropping to 2.5 was approved). Due to the disbanding of our 3.5 team, a 75+/70+ Lady’s team was suggested. After an email went out to all teams, only Seminole Lakes and Riverwood came back with enough interested players. Cheryl will reach out to Twin Isles Pro for his input.

6. Maintenance Report- John and Sharon have talked with Jack/Mark about listing what their responsibilities are to the tennis club as Matt (Armor’s son) does not have a list of what he is supposed to be doing. They agreed that a plan has to be made to ensure our courts are well maintained. John to get pricing for clay/new lines and give the costs to Jack/Mark. Joyce suggested doing fundraisers to help with the costs if necessary. Frank added that the pickleball/tennis hard courts have not been dealt with. The company that was asked to give a quote to fix the courts several years ago could not do the necessary fix for what Jack wanted to pay. We need to re-visit the condition of the courts - Unplayable by tennis players and pickleball players. We have to get the 2 courts back up to standard. Not helping is that the course is actively being marketed.     

7. Social Committee Report by Joyce: Dinner planned for Heron’s Glen this Wednesday is the last one for the season. A social is being planned for April 20th. Jude Dawes, Sandra Linek, and Mollie Chance are working on a flyer to be sent to the membership. (Since then, flyers and notices from them have been gone out).

8. Website Report – Frank will try to send out an email to let the members know how to see the information and to access the Calendar page. Cheryl and Frank discussed using the Reservation Page as an informational page with a link to the calendar effectively moving the Calendar page up to the Reservation page.

9. Summer Court Times/Coordinators – It was decided that we would keep the hours for play at 9 and 11. If someone wanted to play earlier, there would be no problem for summer play. Discussion by Joyce to establish an intramural summer group for Seminole Lake members. Frank proposed that Joyce and Sandy coordinate and put this under the umbrella of the Women’s Open. Joyce will send out an email to all members for it to start in May. She would like the USTA to mix in. The board approved the proposal. USTA has already reserved courts for two sessions. One on Monday (6 matches) and on Saturday (7 matches). The intramural will go with Fridays. Men’s tennis tabled to April 30th.

10. Additions to Agenda: Club needs/requirements – Linda discussed the fact that the club will need Board members with certain skills as positions will be coming open due to the rotation put into effect in 2019 with the change in the Bylaws. Specifically, members with certain qualifications to act as webmaster, administrative assistant, court maintenance, social planning skills… Linda would like to send out a plea to the membership asking that they think about how they can help out/participate in every day needs of the club - asking if they would like to assist before having to commit. The board felt that the club will always need “new blood”.

11. ADJOURNED AT 4:30 P.M. - Next Meeting - Tuesday, April 30, 2024, SLCC – 3 p.m. (Last Day CC is open)



1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER & ESTABLISH A QUORUM – President Joyce Kraut: Meeting called to order at 3:10 pm. Joyce thanked the members for attending. Quorum was established as all 11 Committee Members were in attendance as per Bylaw, Article 4,2. Total attendees were 29.

2. INTRODUCTION OF CURRENT BOARD – President and Social Chair Joyce Kraut: V-President and Maintenance Supervisor John Sileno, Treasurer Steve Higgins, Secretary Linda Baumann, Membership Chair Sharon McQueen, Pickleball Director Chris Nelson, Website Chair Frank Linek, USTA Director Cheryl Domingo, Director Martha Scribner, Director Stephan Pare, and Director Larry Durey.

3. PRESIDENT’S ANNUAL REPORT – Spoke on the great membership, volunteers for the cleanup day, and the outstanding event coordinators: Larry Durey - the now Jerry Fisher Drop-In Event (was the Jerry Fisher Men’s Open), Sandy Remillard - Women’s Open, Joyce Kraut - SLIC, and Janet Wahl - Brunch Bunch. We have 5 Men’s Teams and 3 Women’s Teams. Our Social Dinners have re-started.

4. TREASURER’S ANNUAL REPORT by Steve Higgins: Presented the (March to March) Annual Report with a beginning balance of $781.01, income of: $10 for guest fee and $35 from July social, expenses: $45 website fee (Vistaprint), $47.04 windsocks, $68.61 weed killer and $30 for 2 used bar chairs. Expenses do not reflect the reimbursements from Reliable Homes for nets, brushes, parts, hardware, sweepers, new website ($192). Both websites running con-current for a trial period. Ending Balance of $635.36.

5. AGM MINUTES OF MARCH 7, 2023, APPROVAL – Secretary Linda Baumann asked for a motion to approve the 2023 AGM Minutes that were sent to all the members prior to today and posted on the Unanimously approved by those in attendance.


                MEMBERSHIP – TENNIS by Sharon McQueen: Over the last 30 years we have averaged 72 members, which is what we have this season. Joyce added that we could use some younger players and she asked that the members extend an invitation to their friends and neighbors to come play.

MEMBERSHIP – PICKLEBALL by Chris Nelson: Thanked John Sileno for the quick response to their request for wind screens. Currently have 29 members. Players are always welcome.

                COURT MAINTENANCE – by John Sileno: Golf Course is putting in a new pumping station, so our watering system should get better. He thanked the Clean Up crew and acknowledged the following: the Baumann’s, Mollie Chance, Bob Copenhaver, Jude Dawes, Larry Durey, Chuck Gertner, Steve Higgins, Joyce Kraut, Tom & Cookie Lippincott, Frank Linek, Ores Masnyk and his visiting friend Tony, Sharon McQueen, Rudy Opderbeck, Sandy Remillard, Peter & Martha Scribner, and Richard Sterner. (John Sileno was directing, up on ladders, cutting, chain-sawing, cleaning, dumping etc. Wayne Garber wanted it on record that John should put in writing “that the rusting fence posts need attention”. John stated that Mark is already aware of the rusting but no plan in place.

WEBSITE Frank Linek: Major transitions due to new ownership of Vistaprint. Site is more marketable and will help us. We have two formats, one for P/C, laptop/tablets and one for mobile use. We have added an Event Calendar where you can go to one place and see all that is happening. An invite will go out to all the members (and their spouses/significant others) for the St. Patrick’s Day party he and Sandra are hosting at their home. They can handle 45 people comfortably, so RSVP asap.

SOCIAL by Joyce Kraut: Joyce added that 3 members (Jude Dawes, Mollie Chance, and Sandra Linek) have volunteered to head up “once a month Saturday morning social activity during prime season”. They will liaison with the Social Committee Chair. Wednesday’s dinner to be held at “Half-Cracked” in Sunseekers Resort.


7. EVENT COORDINATORS: BRUNCH BUNCH, SLIC, MEN’S OPEN, WOMEN’S OPEN – are up and running, we are looking for more participation in the Women’s Open. Also, looking at play time for the Jerry Fisher Drop-In to get more players involved. We are aware that league play conflicts and keep at 11 am.


                A – SWEET SHOTS by Linda Dobrian: there are 6 divisions as part of the A-Division. Not had too many injuries. We are expecting 2 more players to join us.         

B2 – HERRICANES by Martha Scribner: She acknowledged Ann Marshall and Ann Peck, introduced her hard-working team members.



                B75 – SENIOR GREYHAWKS &B4-Greyhawsk by John Sileno: B75 in third position.  26 wins to date. 10 more for First Place. B-4 is in 4th place and having fun.

A1- GATORS by Gary Dawes: They were pushed into A-1 but are looking to back down. Introduced his team. Also, looking at starting a B-75+ division for next season.



                3.0 – LADY LAKERS by Sandra Linek: we are having fun and getting exercise! We have improved and are second from the bottom. We may move back to 2.5.

                3.5B – NOMADS by Joyce Kraut: some want to retire from league play due to injuries and ongoing physical problems (all getting older). Making decision this week.

                4.0 – SERVIVORS by Cheryl Domingo: 6 more players were added. Tied for First Place with Vivante.

USTA 7.0: MIXED and WOMEN’S DOUBLES by Cheryl Domingo: Mixed play on Saturday. Acknowledged members. Doubles play on Monday and are in Second Place.         

9. QUESTION AND ANSWER PERIOD FOR MEMBERS: discussed retiring from league play and starting competitive non-league teams. Cookie had sent a model that she used up-north. Cheryl discussed staying within the league and having a 70+??

10. NOMINATIONS FROM THE FLOOR by John Sileno. None. Joyce and Linda addressed the issues the board would be facing as crucial positions are coming up in the next year or two. There are 5 positions available. Sandy Remillard, Chris Nelson (Pickleball representative), Joyce Kraut, and Cheryl Domingo taking four director positions. Leaving one up for appointment or volunteer.

11. VOTE CAST by John Sileno for Chris Nelson, Sandy Remillard, Cheryl Domingo, and Joyce Kraut.

12. INTRODUCTION OF 2024 TENNIS COMMITTEE by Joyce Kraut: Same members with the addition of Sandy Remillard as a new member.

13. MEETING ADJOURNED – 50/50 draw netted the Club $70.00 winner was Don Baumann. Adjourned at 4:15 p.m. (Pizza and cookies were served at 3:45).

MEETING FOR ELECTION OF OFFICERS/COMMITTEE CHAIRS is April 2nd, 2024, at the Country Club. The May meeting will be held April 30th.

Submitted by:

Linda Baumann, Secretary of the Tennis Committee.


1:30 P.M. @ SLCC

Present: Joyce Kraut, Steve Higgins, John Sileno, Linda Baumann, Sharon McQueen, Martha Scribner, Frank Linek, Larry Durey, and Chris Nelson, John Sileno, Cheryl Domingo. Absent: Stephan Pare.

1. Welcome & Announcements - President, Joyce Kraut: Thanked directors for their attendance.

2. SLTC - Meeting Minutes Approval – Feb. 6, 2024 - Linda Baumann: Stated that the Minutes of February 6, 2024, were up for approval. Motion by Sharon McQueen, seconded by Steve Higgins. So approved.       

3. Treasurer's Report- Steve Higgins: Report received (including in the Annual Report) of balance on hand of $635.36. Check going out today of $95.36 for pizza and cookies for the AGM. Steve not in favor of providing food as he does not think it brings in any more members. The argument for providing was that the Board was hosting the meeting and felt that it would make the meeting more “social”.

4. Membership Report - Sharon McQueen: Added a family membership for William Wrigley as he is here for 3 months at his mother’s home. Additionally, we may have Twin Isles members joining next season.

5. Maintenance Report - John Sileno: Leak was fixed. Old signs were found behind the Pro Facility, one was too badly peeled to save, the other we (Don and Cookie) are in the process of finding out if it can be saved. Restroom lock is in working order, just have to be patient until the light turns green. John will ask Mark (again) about replacing the door/jambs. Until then it was suggested that we leave it unlocked. Two line sweepers were refurbished and two more need brushes. Golf Course is in the process of replacing the water pump station, should be done in May. The clean-up went very well, John was impressed with the amount of work that was done. Debris is the golf course’s responsibility. Only residents get the twice-a-year pickup for free.

6. Social Committee Report – Joyce Kraut: This Wednesday night dinner is at Sunseekers. Three members have come forward and want to do a monthly social at the courts (Jude Dawes, Mollie Chance, and Sandra Linek). Frank stated that he and Sandra are hosting a St. Patrick’s Day Party and Potluck at their home on Saturday, March 16th from 6 to 9 p.m. Joyce volunteered to send out an invite to the members. Several board members volunteered for setup at 5 p.m. 

7. Website Report - Frank Linek: Thanked Steve for helping in getting reimbursed for the website fee ($192) and having the automatic renewal process in place. Over the summer he will start fine-tuning the website as to how it should look on a laptop/tablet or mobile device. Full Administrative Privileges set up for Frank, Linda Baumann, and Cheryl. Schedulers were added to the profile. Cheryl was added as the Court Reservationist to input to the new calendar. We are looking for feedback on the Calendar from the members.

8. EVENT COORDINATORS – Joyce Kraut: Larry Durey suggested that the Jerry Fisher Men’s Open be titled “Jerry Fisher Drop-In Event”. He was asked to outline how he does the play for when he is not here as he does it two different ways depending on the number of players. Joyce hinted that there was a group now playing league but wanting to start an intra-club competitive type play. Sharon suggested ways to add a group to the 50+ League. Joyce is willing to help but does not want responsibility. Men’s and Women’s Open is supposed to be competitive. During the summer they are scheduled together due to lack of players usually.

Article: Martha submitted an article to be put into the “Grapevine”. What was printed was different, but it did have the G-mail address in it. It was suggested that we showcase Dagmar in the next newsletter. Let residents know that you can play tennis as you get older. This could be something the Social Committee could do as part of getting new members.

9. ADJOURN: 2:45 p.m.

10. Next Meeting – TUESDAY, APRIL 2, 2024, from 3 TO 5 @ SLCC.

The May meeting will be held Tuesday, April 30, 2024, at the Country Club from 3 to 5.


Present: Joyce Kraut, President/Social Chair; Vice-President/Maintenance Supervisor John Sileno, Treasurer Steve Higgins, Secretary Linda Baumann, Membership Director Sharon McQueen, Website Master Frank Linek, Pickleball Rep Chris Nelson, USA Rep Cheryl Domingo, Jerry Fisher Open Scheduler Larry Durey, Social Dir Asst Martha Scribner. Absent with regrets: Stephan Pare

1. Welcome & Announcements – Joyce welcomed all and called Meeting to order at 3 pm. She acknowledged Member and Women’s Open scheduler Sandy Remillard, who has expressed an interest in being on the Board. She stated her work background as being in human resources, writing up contracts, clerking, technical engineering, and IT.

2. Meeting Minutes Approval – February 2, 2024 – Steve Higgins moved motion to approve February 2, 2024, Minutes that were prepared, reviewed, and addition made. Seconded by Frank Linek. Approved.

3. Treasurer's Report – The Board received Steve Higgins’ monthly Treasurer’s report. Checking account balance at $655.36. Income of $10 (guest fee); no expenses. Motion by Cheryl Domingo to pay $30 to Rayetta for the purchase of the 2 bar chairs under the tennis canopy. Seconded by Martha Scribner. Approved. It was noted that another reminder be sent out to membership to make sure all chairs are returned under the canopy to protect from the elements. The new bar chairs must be covered after use as they are not “outside” furniture.

4. Membership Report – No report, other than we may have a new member in July.

5. Maintenance Report – John expressed concerns over the amount of water disbursed on the courts. There are shells in the system clogging the heads again. The clay courts need to be watered once a day. Weeds were sprayed for, though we had already sprayed around the courts. A line sweeper is being repaired. Courts were dragged last weekend by Armor’s son, no additional clay was added. Court Enhancement this Saturday, a reminder has since been sent out to the membership for volunteers. An updated flyer/information was added to include coffee and donuts. Asking for response also. We are to pile up the debris near the road for a special pickup. Mark is not lending us a utility cart. Towels are being left on the courts, once dry they could be blown onto the court surface.

6. Social Committee Report – Martha stated that Patrice was not always available as she still works. Frank added that he and Sandra were tentatively planning a St. Patrick’s Day Potluck at their home on the 16th or 17th of March for the membership. He can accommodate 40 to 45 members. Joyce stated that this Wednesday’s dinner was at Heron’s Glen. No dinner is planned for Ash Wednesday. Luigi’s Pizzeria and the Icehouse were suggested as venues.  We need to do 50/50s to help our treasury!

7. Website Report – Court reservationist and coordinators have been trained. Frank, Linda, and Joyce met to clear up various issues and determine user devices. Feels we should stick with the Gmail system for court reservations by the members. Enhancements – a trial calendar page has since been added. Chris Nelson and Frank will discuss the “Team Reach” application that would allow us to have a calendar and quick messaging that would go to everyone that has the “app”. Frank turned in an invoice to Steve for $192 for the Website renewal. Funds should come from Jack/Mark.

8. Additions to Agenda – Jerry Fisher Memorial. It was attended by Jerry’s wife Dolores, 2 grandchildren, and a daughter and many tennis members. Donations of $410 were given to Dolores. She said that part of it would be further donated to Hospice as they took very good care of Jerry. Larry recommended naming a court in honor and appreciation for Jerry’s dedication and long-term service. He also noted that the other signs/numbers needed replacing as well. Motion by Sharon McQueen and Seconded by Frank Linek to spend $160 for new metal signs. Motion carried. Discussion over adding a brick walkway and those donating would have their name added to it or in memory of a deceased member.

Jerry Fisher Open – Larry is concerned over the lack of players for the Open (due to league play and finding a day that would bring in more players.) Frank stated that Tuesday may work and combine with the A1 practice (will talk to Gary Dawes) and keep Saturday for the Round Robin. He noted that the membership consisted of 47 women and 29 men of which 13 were single. He did not have a large pool to work with.

Women’s Open – Barely get enough to fill a court. Joyce suggested that we come up with ways to promote it.

Honorary Membership – Committee had made a motion previously to make Treasurer Steve Higgins an Honorary Member (waiving his fees); we were not sure at the time if we also had to get Jack’s approval. Sharon declared that we could do it. Will have to address in the Bylaws. Additional motion by Frank Linek to make him an Honorary Member for as long as he wants to serve on the Tennis Committee. Seconded by John Sileno. Unanimous Agreement.

Pickleball – currently 30 members; down from 50 from 2023. Feels that there are at least 10 more that will join before season ends. Playing on Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays with “By the Lights” on Wednesday evenings. Frank suggested that they could edit their pages on the tennis website. Court conditions are not good with only 3courts playable. Suggested we should send photos and request for court improvements to be made to Jack/Mark. Windscreens – John will contact Armor’s son for used windscreens. John has since put up some screens that were stored behind our restroom building.

AGM & Election – Tuesday, March 5, 2024, at the SLCC from 3 pm to 5 pm for the membership. The Tennis Committee will meet at 1:30 at the SLCC for a meeting and to set up. We were previously approved by Tanya for the pizza and chips/packaged desserts. Rebecca is aware. Alcohol is to be purchased from the bar. Captains will be asked to give a brief report about their teams/leagues. Sandy Remillard accepted the first nomination to be a member of the Committee. Officers/Directors terms are up this year. We should be asking our membership for the skills the Tennis Committee need as other members’ terms come up. Joyce suggested an incentive be awarded to the Team Captain that has the’ most members attending.




MINUTES – JANUARY 2, 2024 – 3:30 P.M. – SLCC


PRESENT (9): President Joyce Kraut, V-President John Sileno, Treasurer Steve Higgins, Secretary Linda Baumann, Web Director Frank Linek, Larry Durey, Stephen Pare, and Martha Scribner with Cheryl Domingo via cellphone. Absent with regrets: Membership Director Sharon McQueen and the Pickleball Rep Chris Nelson.

1. WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS: Meeting called to order at 3:30 pm. Joyce will be out-of-town from January 8 through 14th. Larry Durey agreed to help schedule SLIC and Brunch Bunch in her absence. It was noted that Harriette DiStefano submitted her resignation via email. She will be missed. Also, Kathy Masnyk will not be the administrator for SLIC.


2. MINUTES APPROVAL: Motion by Martha Scribner to approve the Minutes of April 4, 2023, May 9, 2023, October 10, 2023. Motion seconded by John Sileno. Motion Carried.


3. TREASURER’S REPORT: Steve Higgins submitted his report. Cash on Hand is $656.36. Expenses of $117.54 for court ball trays and trash bins for 2 courts with reimbursement of same by SLCC.


4. MEMBERSHIP REPORT: given by Martha Scribner: 1 new 4.0 player joined (Mae Nelson-Stone). Cheryl Domingo (USTA) added that the 2 new USTA players would be paying their $32 for the next session beginning Jan. 20th. Cheryl Domingo Status: Motion moved by Frank Linek, to approve Cheryl’s acceptance of the nomination to the Tennis Committee replacing PJ Scott due to his resignation (in October due to health reasons). She will replace him until the March AGM 2024. Then will have to re-run. Seconded by Martha Scribner. Carried unanimously. We are still waiting to hear if the motion passed by the board regarding Steve Higgins’ status as honorary member has been approved by Jack. Frank suggested that a photo of the check/application be sent to schedulers and Linda to expedite the adding of a new member.


5. MAINTENANCE REPORT:  Mark stated the (golf) club would be paying for the mulch of which 30 bags should be dropped off at the clay courts by January 29th. Clean up is scheduled for Jan 27 at 9 am provided USTA does not have a match at that time.  (As of Jan 8 – first date open is Feb. 10th). We are not participating in the POA’s Cleanup Day.  John will make up a list of work projects and contact Mark again on debris take-away. Additional items were added to the flyer. The water leak on court 2 should be fixed this week as of now there is no water for the courts.


6. SOCIAL COMMITTEE REPORT: EVENTS: Proposed having a Jerry Fisher Memorial Potluck Event on Saturday, Jan 20 from 11 to 1 pm. Members will be able to donate towards a charity in honor of Jerry’s service and to show our appreciation. Suggestions made and it was decided to obtain one of Jerry’s tennis rackets to hang on the fence. Exact location to be determined. Martha suggested doing the same for Dick Beckendorf – she has contacted Marge. DINNERS: Wednesday night dinners are scheduled. Riviera Grill on Jan 17th, Tamiami Tavern on the 24th and Carmello’s on the 31st. Still waiting on confirmations.


7. DEFIBRILATOR: Agreed to have Linda schedule a training for January 20th in hopes that we will have people attending the Memorial interested in how to operate it. We have one in the restroom and the membership will be asked not to hide it inside the cabinet as those not familiar with our facilities wouldn’t know where to look. Also, that the area should be policed by playing team members to make sure nothing is left in the spectator areas. Captains should try to find the owners. This includes the restroom area. Frank to add to website pages.



8. MEN’S OPEN: Larry Durey moved a motion to rename the Men’s Open to the Jerry Fisher Open. Seconded by Stephan Pare. Unanimously carried. Suggestions made as to the best days/times to have the Open as it has been difficult to get enough players (Women’s Open has the same problem) during league season. Consensus to have Larry try different times/days depending on the court scheduling to come up with the best scenario. He does not need the Committee’s approval to move it around. Martha stated she would help.


9. USTA: Next session is from January 20 to March 20th. As soon as Cheryl has the schedule, she will let Frank know. The usual schedule is some Saturdays from 9 to11 and Wednesday evenings from 6 to 8. April 1st, they switch to practices and schedule 2 legacy events.


10. WEB SITE REPORT: It was re-confirmed that we would continue with the current provider at $192 for this year. After discussion of several other providers, using links from Golf Course site and POA site of which being able to control our constantly updating pages is an issue, it was decided that he would continue to investigate using the summer period to come up with a better resolution. One suggestion was asking Jack to return a kick-back per member to the club to support the website. We cannot afford to pay this out as an on-going expense. He has since decided that “google docs” is not the way to go.


11. AGM: Decided was Tuesday, March 5, at 3 pm for the membership. Venue has since been determined - to hold at the Seminole Lakes Country Club. There are now 5 director spots opening with Harriette’s resignation: Joyce Kraut, Marth Scribner, Cheryl Domingo (having taken PJ’s spot), Harriette DiStefano, and one of which is for a Pickleball representative.  NOMINATING COMMITTEE:  Proposed was to have the person leaving recruit a member. Suggested was being able to ask a non-member that is related to a member to hold a position or be in training for a director position, was something to explore. Joyce added that the new members (Suzie and Deana) may be interested in coming on board as Social Director. All nominations should be to the board by February 20th. Qualifications were important.


12. Meeting adjourned at 5:20 p.m.




Submitted by Linda Baumann, Secretary

Seminole Lakes Tennis & Pickleball Club




Present (7): President Joyce Kraut, Vice – President John Sileno, Treasurer Steve Higgins, Membership Chair Sharon McQueen, Harriette Distefano, Martha Scribner, and Larry Durey (via cell). Absent with regrets: Secretary Linda Baumann, Bylaw Chair PJ Scott, Stephan Pare, Webmaster Frank Linek, Pickleball Rep Chris Nelson.

1. PRESIDENT'S REPORT: We have had several new teams formed this year with the addition of two USTA teams and one B-75+ B4 Men’s Team. This will make scheduling (Court Availability) somewhat tighter than in past years, but there is still afternoon and evening time available for team practice. 

2. COURT SCHEDULING: Kathy Masnyk has agreed to take over the scheduling for SLIC, and Cheryl Domingo will be asked to do the Court Availability Scheduling. Jerry Fisher will be doing Men’s Open until Larry Durey returns in mid-December.

3. WEBSITE REPORT:  The address on the website has recently changed and members have been notified.  Frank Linek will need to schedule training for new administrators in November.

4. TREASURER'S REPORT: The Club has a balance of $723.97, with no additions or expenses.

5. MEMBERSHIP REPORT: Notices for upcoming dues have been sent to the membership, with a follow-up to go out in the next week or so.  Several checks have been received and 4 or 5 new members from the USTA teams will be added this year.

6. MAINTENANCE REPORT: John Sileno and Bob Copenhaver have been actively maintaining the courts and surrounding area. It was agreed that John would order two flat brushes for cleaning lines. John rebuilt the privacy fence at the back of the office area, and he will post the sign for the defibrillator on the bathroom door. Street numbers have also been put on the window on the street side of the building. One bench on the court will be repaired when Rudy returns. The lights have been fixed and are no longer buzzing.

7. HOSPITALITY/SOCIAL REPORT: Co-Chairs Harriette Distefano and Martha Scribner. Harriette will be setting up locations for the Wednesday Night Dinners. Harriette and Martha will also be planning a Welcome Back Party in early November. Options for the Holiday Party are being explored (1) Twin Isles Country Club on a regular Friday night, and 2) The King’s Gate Golf Club.)

8. Meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m.

Submitted by: President Joyce Kraut


TUESDAY – MAY 9, 2023 – 3 P.M. – 26173 Stillwater Circle

Present: President Joyce Kraut, Treasurer Steve Higgins, Secretary Linda Baumann, Martha Scribner, Harriette Distephano, Chris Nelson. Pickleball Board – Denise MacIsaac and Lori Kelki. Absent with regrets: V-President John Sileno, Membership Chair Sharon McQueen, Web Master Frank Linek, Larry Durey, Stephan Pare, and PJ Scott.

1. PRESIDENT’S REMARKS – Meeting called to order at 3:10 pm.  The meeting commenced while waiting for PJ Scott.

2. APPROVAL – APRIL 4, 2023, MINUTES – No vote as a quorum was not present

3. TREASURER’S REPORT – Steve Higgins read his report. Due to lack of quorum the report could not be received. Steve reported that we had received $35 from the Social, expenses of $47.07 for 4 windsocks leaving a balance of $723.97. Pickleball reported that they maintain their own cash box for social fees/guest fees and expenses that include supplying the balls.


5. MEMBERSHIP FEES / FORM – TENNIS/PICKLEBALL – Discussion covered the fees of which the pickleball members felt that their current fees were adequate considering the surface of the courts. The discussion over the membership form included using only one for both the tennis and pickleball members, keeping the volunteer request portion, incorporating the Nov 1 through Oct 31st season for both tennis and pickleball. The Pickleball Guidelines were also discussed regarding the paragraph on “summer play is free for new players” with fees charged for Nov and Dec. They were asked to eliminate “free” as the tennis players are charged a summer fee to play whether it is on the hard courts or soft courts. More discussion to follow in the Fall but for now it was felt a $10 fee per month for now was fair until fees were resolved in the Fall. They considered the $50 not to be an annual but a 6-month fee. Free in summer and charged for Oct and November.

6. MAINTENANCE REPORT – Joyce reported that John had been tacking down the lines and working on the white fence that hides the rear of the tennis facility.


7. PICKLEBALL COURT UPDATE – Only 3 pickleball courts are considered safe to play on. Windscreens - Joyce will ask John Sileno to look at obtaining good used windscreens, as we often can get decent castoffs from other clubs. Steve proposed that the pickleball members write a letter to Jack to initiate a conversation regarding the condition and negotiate with a proper fee in mind.

8. WEBSITE REPORT – No report. Denise MacIsaac will be contacting Frank about the “linking” problem she was having as “401 PAGE ERROR” in attempting to use a link from the Pickleball Guidelines. Discussion over putting out club articles in the Grapevine Newsletter as Lori will be writing an article for the Fall edition.

9. NEXT MEETING – OCTOBER TBD; Meeting adjourned at 4:20 pm.

Submitted by Secretary Linda Baumann

TUESDAY – APRIL 4, 2023 - 3 p.m. SLCC

Present: Frank Linek, Steve Higgins, Joyce Kraut, Linda Baumann, Sharon McQueen, John Sileno, PJ Scott, Stephan Pare. Absent with regrets: Larry Durey, Harriette DiStefano, and Chris Nelson.

1. PRESIDENT’S REMARKS: Frank called the meeting to order. As he has served four years as President and being true to the Bylaws, we will be rotating people into the board to keep it fresh. We have had continuity problems with members and must stay focused on growing and maintaining our membership numbers.  Frank also proposed that Steve Higgins be granted an Honorary membership and waiving his fee due to his circumstances (being unable to play) and his years as Treasurer and Board member. Joyce seconded. All in favor.

2. APPROVAL – FEBRUARY 7, 2023, MINUTES: Motion by John Sileno to approve the February 7, 2023, Meeting Minutes for distribution. Martha Scribner seconds. All in favor.

3. APPROVAL – AGM MINUTES FOR DISTRIBUTION  : Motion by PJ Scott to approve the AGM Minutes of March 7, 2023, for posting to website and bringing forward to the membership at the 2024 AGM for approval. Steve Higgins seconded. Carried.

4.  RATIFICATION OF NEW OFFICERS/CHAIRS: President: Motion by Frank to nominate Joyce Kraut as President. Joyce Kraut accepted.  John Sileno seconds. Carried. V-President:  Motion by Frank to nominate members Martha Scribner and John Sileno. Vote for John Sileno was unanimous.  Seconded by Joyce Kraut. John accepted the nomination.  Carried. Treasurer: Motion by Frank Linek to keep Steve Higgins (his name on bank account) on as Treasurer pending Jack’s approval of the waiver of fees for an Honorary member. Seconded Linda Baumann. Carried. Secretary: Linda Baumann nominated. PJ Scott seconded. All in favor.

CHAIRS: Membership & USTA – Sharon McQueen;   Pickleball: Chris Nelson; Website: Frank Linek; Maintenance Supervisor – John Sileno; Social Director- Joyce Kraut.

New Application Form to have a memo concerning volunteerism. Captains will be forwarded copies to hand out to their team members encouraging them to assist the board.

5. TREASURER’S REPORT – Board received the Treasurer’s Report submitted by Stevee Higgins. Current balance $736.01 with expenses of $45.00 for the VistaPrint Website’s Annual Fee.

6. MEMBERSHIP REPORT-Sharon reported that she had a $449.00 check from the USTA Team of which three players are Seminole Lakes Members. Vivanti came over due to lack of lighting. Could be up to four players staying on as SL members. Frank also believes we will have enough 3.5 players to make a USTA fall team.

ADVERTISING: Stephan suggested that our courts can handle more play, even a Flex league, and ought to be advertising for members. Sharon will talk to Tanya and Frank to follow up with a link to the golf clubs’ site. Cheaper to play here than about anywhere. Stephan and Joyce will see what can be put on “Next Door Neighbor” site. Stephan also added that he and Wayne Garber were going to put out flyers. Also talk with Richard at Wrigley’s. Wrigley’s customers come from several counties.

PICKLEBALL RATES: Board agrees that the current starter rates should be increased. Suggestion made to form a committee to include the Membership Chair and Pickleball representative. PJ also added that costs to play should be determined before the committee can make a recommendation. Also suggested that they use season start time instead of annual time frame.

7. MAINTENANCE REPORT – John Sileno reported that new windsocks were purchased, replaced center of court 2 net fastener with a bolt, line sweepers need parts and are on sale now (Steve will touch base with Jack), painting of the green benches, and obtaining ant control pesticide from golf course. The old nets will be scrapped as John is working on the base of the fences. Suggested a beautification/decorating committee be established to help in the following areas: updating the shoe cleaning station, make facility area more aesthetically pleasing, white facility fencing to be replaced, and restroom is still in need of renovations.

8. PICKLEBALL & COURT UPDATE -Pickleball rep not present. No report.

9. WEBSITE REPORT – Frank suggested that anyone having difficulties with events that they try rebooting their system first before calling. He has talked with Don McIsaac about linking with the POA site.

10. SOCIAL UPDATE – Joyce stated no dinners next two weeks as she is out-of-town. She is looking for a replacement for herself as Social Director. Martha stated that we do not see many outside players becoming involved in volunteering. We are just not seeing anyone wanting to take “ownership” of an event or activities.

11. SUMMER COURT TIMES – May 1st is when we begin the earlier time play scheduling. Recommended we use the even times starting at 8 a.m. USTA has asked for a block of time on Friday mornings.  

12. ADJOURN – motion to adjourn, seconded. Carried.

NEXT MEETING – MAY, 2023 – day to be determined. Location may be an issue as the Country Club closes April 30.


Respectfully Submitted,                                                                      Linda Baumann, Secretary

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